“49 and holding!”

“49 and holding!”

Hey all, any of you fabulous lifestyle God’s and Goddesses turning 50 any time soon?!?! Well, this lifestyle Goddess is!!! I’m curious about how other people in my shoes process this particular characteristic!  Honestly, I’ve experienced a whole bag of different thoughts, emotions and feelings about this, not-so-little fact! Honestly, I have always been young at heart and whatever the number has been through the years, it’s been just exactly THAT. Just a number!

I do believe that it’s all relevant…..my age and my attitude towards it. I loved (and hated) something about every decade, frankly, but mostly loved! I must say, the 40’s have been an incredible ride though. It really has been everything you ‘hear’. Our business grew a lot, our kids grew a lot and so did our family! Everyone of those topics could have a book written about them. Ha! One of the best parts of those growing experiences was myself.  I have learned so much about life, love, heartache, challenges, letting-go, making peace with myself and others, self-control, my passions, my health and fitness, my marriage, my individual children, what I will and won’t waste or dedicate my time too, my friends, my faith and definitely my strengths and weaknesses.

Regardless of how I feel about this new, upcoming (really quickly too!) decade I’m facing, I want to be sure that I remember that this is a ride that I am so grateful for and want to cherish every bump, curve and straightaway that I’m blessed to have. So that’s what I intend to do! This is a huge part of the reason for this new “Lifestyle Blog” journey of mine. I hope you’ll take this leap with me and hang on for the ride!! I plan on making this next chapter as fun, lively, healthy and spiritual as I possibly can.

One of the ways I plan on kicking off this new decade is with a dear group of gals I’ve been friends with (even over thousands of miles of distance) for over 17 years now. We’re all reaching this milestone together so we’re christening it with a Caribbean Cruise next month. I plan on sharing my birthday bash with you  and of course, the preparations too! That’s half the fun, right?!

Well, it’s just about that time, stay tuned!


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